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Hi, I am new of October and I got a problem. I use the wow.js for my page. When I click the link of the page, the content with wow.js seems to be loaded twice as it first show up for a just flash and then show the animation. I am sure that the code itself has no problem as I have tested it without October cms. However, when the cms is applied, the loading problem appeared. Does anyone has any experience about this issue? Thanks for any suggestions! I've written these in the layout.

    {% page %}
    <script src="{{ [
    ]|theme }}"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
   new WOW().init(); /*This is to active the js as indicated in its documentation*/

{% framework %}

Last updated


I believe that the October JS Framework dynamically loads page content. When I load my sites, I get sections of the site that are styled but with no content in it as a flash before everything loads in. I think it's some kind of performance thing, but it's not very well documented and I don't know how to disable it if it is.


Can you provide some more details? Because I can't reproduce this error. Do you use a theme or blank html site?


An old post but I seem to have this issue too. The page loads for a split second then it loads the styles kinda thing. Very distracting having a flicker every time you change pages. Any way to change it?


It was a missing font causing the issue. I solved it by copying the fonts folder from the Demo theme into my custom theme.

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