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Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

What is the best practise to override plugin's templates? When I want to override /plugins/rainlab/user/components/account/signin.htm? Or registration form? Im trying to create folder /resources/rainlab/user/components/account/signin.htm, but it doesn't work.

Thanks for reply!

Last updated


Add a component to a page. When added, give it a unique alias. Let's say we call it "myAwesomeComponent". Look in the plugin's component folder and find the correct .htm partial file to override. Let's say this is "default.htm". From the CMS, create a partial with the filename myAwesomeComponent/default.htm. Paste the contents of the original default.htm in that and change how you like. So it's never really based on the plugin or component name just the alias. This way, you can create several different sign-in forms that are all based on the same component.

Last updated


@keystroke Is it possible to organize the theme's partials folder into subdirectories? For example, if you wanted to override all of the blog plugin's components, you could create a blog directory within the partials folder, and place all of the component override files inside?

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

@vince_o I don't think so


Full instructions on the method Keystroke explained with screenshots on how to override plugin templates here


info14532 said:

Full instructions on the method Keystroke explained with screenshots on how to override plugin templates here

It is not even required to rename the component to be able to override. Works perfectly.


That's correct but it makes the codebase cleaner as having two files with the same name can get confusing and at some point, you will edit the wrong file.


That's correct but it makes the codebase cleaner as having two files with the same name can get confusing and at some point, you will edit the wrong file.


@justas.raudonius23340 That is because it resides in a different namespace.

@info14532 if you pay attention to the namespaces. It's actually beneficial to have things more standardized.You should be able to have many files with the same name. If you are getting confused, you should read up more on OOP. Note: Each time you create a controller/model/etc via artisan, it generate files with the exact same names (fields.yaml, columns.yaml, config_list.yaml, etc). Yet you are saying that makes things confusing? It really doesn't. It makes things simpler.

Last updated

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