Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap

Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap plugin. It supports CMS Pages, Static Pages and custom models.

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Before I installed this plugin, I had Rainlab Sitemap. However, after I uninstalled RainLab.Sitemap plugin, I still get the Rainlab Sitemap file. After I created a new one on backend (on this plugin), and saved it, it still appears the old one (from RainLab). Anyone knows how to fix this?

Thank you in advance!


Last updated

Utopig Studio
Utopig Studio

If you uninstall both plugins, can you see a sitemap? You shouldn't, if you do, maybe you have a real physical sitemap.xml file in the site root? Or maybe something about cache?


Hi Utopig Studio!

Thank you a lot for your reply! I uninstalled and installed again your plugin and, now, the correct sitemap is appearing!

Thanx! Regards,


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