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Hello, I want to build a function in the code section of my page where I can validate the "Google recaptcha". I know that there is a plugin already for captcha, but I want to have my own code, also for learning. I cannot define a class for an object in the code section. So how and where would I define a class, if I don't want to build a plugin or component? I just want to create an object in the code section out of the class. Is this possible?
Or let me ask different: When I define a class in my component and link this component to my page, how can I create an object in the code section of the page like:
function onStart()
$object = new myclass();
Thank You!
Last updated
Why would you like to create an object? Why not just inclued it in your components, or plugins classes?
In the example of the recaptcha, the a object is created of a class (given by the google dev). The object should be created in the function onSend(), so that the after submitting a contact form, the secret key from a variable is given to the object and it verifies the key. How would you suggest? Should I drop the class and write the functions of the class in the code section of the page to verify my key? As you realize I am no PHP and no Laravel expert. But I want to get better in programming and I like the idea about Laravel and I like October CMS as a clean CMS. But it is difficult for me to transfer simple php logic to the logic of October. Thank You in advance:)
class ReCaptchaResponse
public $success;
public $errorCodes;
class ReCaptcha
private static $_signupUrl = "";
private static $_siteVerifyUrl =
private $_secret;
private static $_version = "php_1.0";
* Constructor.
* @param string $secret shared secret between site and ReCAPTCHA server.
function ReCaptcha($secret)
if ($secret == null || $secret == "") {
die("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from <a href='"
. self::$_signupUrl . "'>" . self::$_signupUrl . "</a>");
* Encodes the given data into a query string format.
* @param array $data array of string elements to be encoded.
* @return string - encoded request.
private function _encodeQS($data)
$req = "";
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$req .= $key . '=' . urlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '&';
// Cut the last '&'
$req=substr($req, 0, strlen($req)-1);
return $req;
* Submits an HTTP GET to a reCAPTCHA server.
* @param string $path url path to recaptcha server.
* @param array $data array of parameters to be sent.
* @return array response
private function _submitHTTPGet($path, $data)
$req = $this->_encodeQS($data);
$response = file_get_contents($path . $req);
return $response;
* Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify whether the user passes
* CAPTCHA test.
* @param string $remoteIp IP address of end user.
* @param string $response response string from recaptcha verification.
* @return ReCaptchaResponse
public function verifyResponse($remoteIp, $response)
// Discard empty solution submissions
if ($response == null || strlen($response) == 0) {
$recaptchaResponse = new ReCaptchaResponse();
$recaptchaResponse->success = false;
$recaptchaResponse->errorCodes = 'missing-input';
return $recaptchaResponse;
$getResponse = $this->_submitHttpGet(
array (
'secret' => $this->_secret,
'remoteip' => $remoteIp,
'v' => self::$_version,
'response' => $response
$answers = json_decode($getResponse, true);
$recaptchaResponse = new ReCaptchaResponse();
if (trim($answers ['success']) == true) {
$recaptchaResponse->success = true;
} else {
$recaptchaResponse->success = false;
$recaptchaResponse->errorCodes = $answers [error-codes];
return $recaptchaResponse;
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