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I've just started to learn October CMS.

But coming from Grav CMS, I have a question: Grav allows to create one-page layouts made of modular layout-parts. That way a one-page layout can be built very easily and allows a non-technical user to add or reorganize the containers of a one-pager.

Is there a similar way to achieve this with October? So far I found the placeholder tag which can be filled with content separately in the backend using the Static Pages plugin, but this still uses a fixed template.

Any help would be appreciated.

Last updated


You can do that if you build own plugin

Last updated



I think... partial feature could help you.

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

You can use Snippets (special Partials blocks provided by Static Plugin), but they can manage only string or dropdown properties, so you can't manage content of 'layout-part' by WYSIWYG :-(

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