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I went into the backend of some of my October installations and checked for an update. To my surprise, it was unable to update and told me that the minimum PHP requirement for the next version was 5.5.9. So I went into a development host that had PHP 5.6, and sure enough, it updated to Build 318.

The install page says that the minimum requirement is PHP 5.4, and unfortunately, most of my production hosts don't offer 5.5 or 5.6. This seemed like quite a jump in minimum requirements to me, so I went over to Github to check out the source, and the latest build there is still 317.

So I'm a bit confused as to whether the new requirement is really going to be 5.6, or if I've somehow jumped the gun on trying to update.

Thank you, Josh


I am having this same issue. Updating the minimum PHP Requirements without prior notice is kind of scary to say the least.


Because of this issue I can't put my website online. Is there maybe a way to fix this?

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