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I would like to display all images in a certain Media Library folder on the front end in a gallery.
It seems to me that the gallery plugins to date create their own models for images, which doesn't allow users to take advantage of the easy features of the built in media manager.
Q1 -> Does this exist already as a component that I've missed somehow?
Q2 -> Would anyone else benefit from this if I developed it as a re-usable plugin?
Q1 -> no Q2 -> yes ( but i need to make gallery with and without password protection and the main issue is that all the files in Media Manager are all public )
@MadeByFRAME, did you found any solution to show the media folder on frontend ? I really need a similar solution.
Let me know
Thank you MadeByFrame. spec-ugalllery shows ony graphic files, and we need to have PDF, Word, and other types as well.
Did you make any progression in the meantime? I was trying the same to get it out via PHP and the public functions mentioned on the octobercms-page. Unfortunately it's to hard for me and I did not have success.
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