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  • Added on May 6, 2015
  • Current version: 0.6.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Creates a gallery from a given image folder location (standard the media upload folder) The gallery consists of clickable thumbnails once the component is placed in the page.

Component name: Gallery

Component description: Creates a gallery from a given folder, automatically shows clickable thumbnail which are enlarged when you click the thumbnail. It uses the script in the "Gallerij" folder to display the thumbnails also the css and js files for the gallery design are loaded from the "Gallerij" folder.

To use the component: Simply drag the "Gallery" component in your page code and set the "Images location" property (by default this is: "storage/app/media") also multiple "Gallery" components can be used in 1 page (so you can set multiple image folders).

  • Found the plugin not useful on 30 Dec, 2016

    Didn't work. OctoberCMS lacks a functional Image-Gallery that works with the Media Manager - that should be a basic functionality.

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 May, 2015

    It's a nice plugin and it makes use of the octoberCMS own Media Manager.


Minor code changes for better plugin folder detection and js styles.

May 08, 2015


Changed the icon of the gallery plugin.

May 06, 2015


Draggable components and multiple gallerys on one page

May 01, 2015


First Version (used {{ Gallery.View }} )

May 01, 2015