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Brief bit about me: Been doing PHP since 2006, got my ZCE in 2014, and found OctoberCMS a few months ago. I've already used it for 3 customer websites. I think it has a ton of potential, and I'm keen to dig a lot deeper into what it can do - figuring out how to achieve certain things using OctoberCMS.

Over the last few months I've gathered a big pile of notes, and I thought it might be useful to assemble those into a functioning, indexed website. There's not a lot of documentation on the internet beyond the basic documentation on the October site itself, and while that does do a good job of explaining how the framework functions, it doesn't really speak to how you might achieve certain practical things.

I've already set up a "shell" site at (built on OctoberCMS, of course) and have given some thought to the first 24 tutorials I plan on producing. I want this to be useful to the developers that work on October, though, so if there's something you're stuck with in the CMS, and could use a tutorial for, let me know!

Last updated


And the first tutorial is live - figured I'd start at the beginning, with an installation walkthrough:

That's my "reference setup" guide for building a new instance of OctoberCMS. It uses the latest version of Debian, adds SSL and UFW by default, and recommends Nginx for performance.


Brilliant effort mate, many people would certainly find this very helpful.

Wish you all the best! :)


A very nice and welcome addition to the October environment, but apparently the link is broken. : (


Yes, link is broken due to being https. If you try un-secure it redirects you to a blog post saying this project is 'put on hold'. Too bad.

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