Backend Plus

Extend your back-end to useful features, CMS cleaner (delete cache) and some new dashboard widgets.

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Hi there,

Just wanted to report an issue with an edge update. Build# 344 onwards to be exact. A couple of issues I noticed:

  1. The dashboard widgets seem to have issues with language translations since I see the actual translation string instead of the translated text.
  2. Your CSS/JS seems to be interfering with October's CSS for the backend. Case in point, the preferences menu on the left is missing a few classes that leads to a white menu background with white text on it. Absolutely not readable.

I understand if you only wish to support installation on non-edge versions of October. Happy to report that there are no issues whatsoever that I encountered on Build#318


Can confirm that. Also in my case the plugin doesn't work at all. There is no any settings visible so I can't configure it.


I started to develop the next version of Backend Plus. You can find it on the Github. For now it is a beta version.

Last updated

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