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Hello, when running the install.php file, I get a web page without any data, no instructions and no links. Can you help me solve the problem. Best regards
Do you get any error messages? An internal Server error? Can you provide some logfiles?
Hi, No it does not display any error, just a red rectangle horizontally (Below the dark blue of the page) without any data. On the page appears only the style ; only the colors, the location without any data or error. Maybe the red rectangle indicates that there is some error but it does'nt appear.
Yes, " vendor.js:6 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///D:/wamp64/www/october/install-master/install-master/install.html. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
Ah ok easy to fix,
You have to run a webserver. It looks like you have installed wamp. So start the apache and than access october by http://localhost/october/...
You can load files via file:// because of cross origin alle ajax request have to be to the same domian.
I followed the instructions ; the same problem with :
why install.html ?
Its an php file. The correct url in your case have to be:
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