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I´m on Wordpress for about 8 Years. I want to try out a new CMS - But can´t because of the Error Message "Permission to write to directories and files".

All Files and Folders are 777.

Do I miss something?

Thanks for Help Martin


Make sure your installation folder has the same user and group as apache is running under.



thanks for your answer. I realized I had to make the subfolder "777" too. I think if it is installed into the root - there would be no such problem...

Greets Martin


You will have to chown preferably all folders of your OctoberCMS installation to the user running the webserver. Otherwise it'll just have access to a subset of the required folders.

If you do chmod the folders, be aware that a chmod -R 777 is no good choice as this will set executable bits on every file as well. The implications of that are unknown. Better do find ./ -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; and find ./ -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \; where the first command makes all directories read/writeable by everyone and the latter makes all files read/writeable by anyone.

Nevertheless, for security measures its best to have the user running apache processes (or nginx, for that matter) own the folder its subfolders and all files in it. Then, chmod 755 on directories and chmod 644 on files should be sufficient. And safe!


Ok thanks for your detailed Answer!

I will change it like your suggestion!

Many Thanks again. Martin

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