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Hi as the title says, i'd need to import a whole bunch of data when i refresh my plugin - it is mostly to initiate the tables during development phase since i have about 15 tables to seed with around 20 000 rows - hence i have 15 files to import manually every time i update the tables structures.

any idea on how to automate files import ?



The only way I know, is using Seeder. Maybe you can read the files from the seed, make an array or collection and import the data on every plugin refresh. I don't know the files structure to help you more.

Example of Seeder

<?php namespace Author\Plugin\Updates;

use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Seeder;
class SeedAllTables extends Seeder
    public function run()
        // Write here your code.

Some resources:

A good example

Docs from Laravel


Remember to use the right insertion method. Plugin::insert() or $plugin->relationHasMany->createMany() doesn't fire model validations. To have validators, use Plugin::create().

Good luck!

Last updated


thanks for this, i put this on hold for now, but i got the idea to use a laravel-csv-reader package and launch the import of all my files trough a command line..this is the plan, not sure i will have time to build this. will update later. thanks


ok i managed to create a console command that launch all one file import. im using this php csv library reputed to be low memory usage, it works quite well but you need to re-write your import code a little bit since the lib does not provide the associative array per default. Now i im looking to use the queues to run all my files import

Last updated

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