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I knew that October CMS is only for developers from the start, but after i tried it and had a taste of its features, great plugins, simplicity and user friendliness, i kept convincing myself that i can survive here as a web designer without knowing any programming language, but lately i am struggling to get things to work, all solutions require digging into PHP, and i am ashamed to keep bothering plugin developers with my question when i can't even understand their solutions...

I want to understand developers, programming terms(words) and code from plugin documentations, is learning PHP enough? what about Laravel? is Twig part of Laravel? i'm confused, please guide me, and thank you


Check out, it should give you a brief introduction.

Twig is the templating language used on the frontend in theme development, it's not part of Laravel (Laravel uses it's own templating language called Blade that's not used in October). When doing plugin development you'll definitely want to learn Object Oriented PHP, and Laravel knowledge is definitely useful.


Very informative, thank you so much!

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