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To delete an item, from a list you need a button that will allow you to delete it.
I place this one in authorname\pluginname\controllers\controllername\_list_toolbars.htm
class="btn btn-default oc-icon-trash-o"
onclick="$(this).data('request-data', {
checked: $('.control-list').listWidget('getChecked')
data-request-confirm="<?= e(trans('authorname.pluginname::lang.misc.sure')); ?>"
data-trigger=".control-list input[type=checkbox]"
<?= e(trans('authorname.pluginname::lang.misc.remove')); ?>
In authorname\pluginname\controllers\controllername\config_list.yaml
we allow checkboxes
# Display checkboxes next to each record
showCheckboxes: true
Then in the controller
we add the following function to actually delete what we want to delete
/** Delete items from the list. Ajax call **/
public function onDelete() {
/** Check if this is even set **/
if (($checkedIds = post('checked')) && is_array($checkedIds) && count($checkedIds)) {
/** cycle through each id **/
foreach ($checkedIds as $objectId) {
/** Check if there's an object actually related to this id
* Make sure you replace MODELNAME with your own model you wish to delete from.
if (!$object = MODELNAME::find($objectId))
continue; /** Screw this, next! **/
/** Valid item, delete it **/
/** Return the new contents of the list, so the user will feel as if
* they actually deleted something
return $this->listRefresh();
By calling $this->listRefresh() at the end you force the list to refresh what the user sees, without reloading the entire page.
Last updated
Also, if anyone wants it there is a composer package that you can pull in to add this functionality to all of your controllers.
change the button by this
class="btn btn-default oc-icon-trash-o"
onclick="$(this).data('request-data', {
checked: $('.control-list').listWidget('getChecked')
data-request-confirm="<?= e(trans('rainlab.user::lang.users.delete_selected_confirm')) ?>"
data-trigger=".control-list input[type=checkbox]"
data-request-success="$(this).prop('disabled', true)"
<?= e(trans('backend::lang.list.delete_selected')) ?>
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