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Hello i have one problem with removing plugins from project. When i disable plugin and remove and after click update, i see again there plugins How to remove plugins and never see their any more?
You can't yet. This was one of the very first points raised on the forums but as yet the functionality has not been added to to October site.
I personally don't link projects to my site, I just download the plugins individually, then you can add/remove as you like :)
Last updated
Basically, disable it (so it wont re-install) and then remove it.
Have same issue. Does the plugins list is stored in the database (didn't yet looked at) ?
If true, then it could be a nice idea to add a plugin/helper to the backend just to do some basic CRUD on that table/fields ;)
Checked :/ no way. There is just the project's hash. That's such a interesting feature, and such a waist that it's half made but implemented. It's like a door that works nicely ... but only to let you in.
to remove any plugin you should deattach your project in backend and then you are allowed to remove plugins( to install in backend use small form )
Done detached. Turned back on the project page form octobercms/acount/projects/myproject. Nope, still no way to remove anything from the list.
The basic UI would be to have an Add to Project button as now on the Plugin's page, and if already installed on some projects ... the button should turn into Remove from Project.
The only way is to "start over" each time : delete the project / re-create it / add all back but without what we don't need / re-link in the backend. That sounds like the opposite of the main ideea of the functionality :)
- go to project's folder form command line
- check plugin's folders' names
- sudo php artisan plugin:remove AUTHOR_NAME.PLUGIN_NAME
does artisan command will remove the plugin from the bundle list stored on ?
Quick tip, maybe it is obvious but when you are trying to set up a fresh instalaltion point donĀ“t ever think about to run october plugin:remove over your principal plugin. It will remove it from your hard drive permanently. I figured this out too late with uncommited changes :/
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