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I'd like to inject some relations - belongsTo and belongsToMany into the User plugin. E.g. linking a person to a company he is working with (stored in another table) or the make of car stored in another list too.

I know already how to add fields - either directly or from an extra table - thanks to some tutorial videos from Samuel Georges an Watch&Learn but unfortunately the belongsToMany is covered not completely and belongsTo is almost not mentioned. At least I could find not all pieces of the puzzle :/

So, any hints and tricks? 0:)

Thanks in advance!

Last updated


I don't understand what you're looking for... this?

User::extend(function ($model) {
        'company' => Company::class, 

Hello (again) mjauvin,

yes from the point of intention. I'd like to xtend the user.plugin of course without editing the user plugins code directly - update-save. Let's name the plugin myPlugin and the model company where I want to start.

Step 1: For the plugin.php of myPluginModel I've got - a little different to your code, but same result as I guess:

pubic function boot{
    \Rainlab\User\Models\User::extend(function($model) {
        $model->belongsTo['company'] => 'Pds\myPlugin\Models\Company'

Step 2: I also injected a field named pds_company_id into the User plugin as Samuel Georges describes in his video - second appraoch, inserting the field directly into the table. Because a belongsTo requires a field where the key id of the related table is stored, as I found in the docs. The initial 'pds_' is for the sake of order and not to collide with may be other plugins.

Step 3: I added some other fields to the User plugin (as also described by S. Georges) onto the plugin.php of myPluginModel

Anyhow there are two questions left

  • the user model has no relation behaviour, and I could find no working way how to add this
  • I could not find a working code how to inject a relation field - at least anywhere - for a belongsTo relation into the user plugins model view (backend so far)

Well, I am stuck in this for some days, getting more puzzled than before unfortunately, beard growing ;)=====

Thanks in advance Oskar


ok, you need to implement the relation controller behavior to the users controller as well like so:

UsersController::extend(function($users) {
   if (!isset($users->relationConfig)) {
   $myConfigPath = '$/author/plugin/config/user_relations.yaml';
   $users->relationConfig = $users->mergeConfig($users->relationConfig, $myConfigPath);              
   if (!$users->isClassExtendedWith('Backend.Behaviors.RelationController')) { 

Hello mjauvin,

thanks a lot for your tips, they helped me out in this and finally I got it running.

Here is the final code I'd like to share (and as a reminder to me ;)

Objective was to inject a relation into the Rainlab.User plugin to enrich the plugin with a field ( a dropdown in this case) to select from a list of companies. Therefore a belongsTo relation is required. This list of companies is stored in another table of the plugin to be made - or of course added to an existing one. Lets sum it up step by step:

Step 1: Create a plugin (I did so with builder). Namespace for this example is Pds\Pdsuserprofile

Step 2: Create the table to be referenced to. In this example the table is called pds_companies. It has a field named/for id as usual and a field called name for the name of the company (any other can be added as required too).

Step 3: Create a model and controller as well (either by builder or by command line) for the table in step 2. Model is called PdsCompany and controller is called PdsCompanies here. Create a columns.yaml and a fields.yaml (e.g. with builder) too.

Step 4: An Plugin update has to be created to add fields to the user plugin. In this case I decided to add these fields directly. That is possible and, as far as I see, works without any complications with other user-plugin related plugins (like the blog plugin). A detailed tutorial is here: the part with fields directly added to the user table starts at approx 10:00

For this add a file add_pdsuserprofile_fields.php to the folder pds/pdsuserprofile/updates/ Code is:

<?php namespace Pds\Pdsuserprofile\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

class AddPdsUserprofileFields extends Migration
    // this function adds fields to the user database
    public function up()
        // exit if fields are already existing
        if (Schema::hasColumns('users', ['pds_nickname', 'pds_company_id'])) {

        // here the fields to be added are defined 
        // I decided to use a prefix for each field for non-colliding to maybe other
        // plugins adding fields
        Schema::table('users', function ($table) {

            // just an example how to directly save data
            $table->string('pds_nickname', 24)->nullable(); 

            // the relation index: a field storing the id of 
            // the related company in the pds_companies table


    // this function deletes the fields in case the plugin is removed
    public function down()
        // old (don't use)
        //    pds_nickname,
        //    pds_company_id

        // correct version
        Schema::table('users', function ($table) {
          $table->dropColumn(['pds_nickname', 'pds_company_id']);


In addition the /pds/pdsuserprofile/updates/version.yaml must be completed with some lines to make the changes work. If the existing version ist e.g. like this:

    - First version of pdsuserprofile
    - initialize plugin

It has to be completed to:

    - First version of pdsuserprofile
    - initialize plugin
    - Adding some new fields 
    - add_pdsuserprofile_fields.php 

Now the plugin has to be refreshed to add the new fields to the table. This can be done bei either the console with "php artisan plugin:refresh Pds.Pdsuserprofile" or - if you don't have access to the console with the Web Artisan plugin by Vojta Svoboda. With the last one installed, there is an url to call in the browser like{somesecuritycode} and you are fine (hope so).

Step 5: Create a yaml file to define required information about the belongsTo relation as described in the docs ( I created this file named as user_relations.yaml in a /config/ subdirectory of my plugin: /pds/pdsuserprofile/config/user_relations.yaml Code is

# ===================================================
#  Relation Behavior Config for User plugin injection
# ===================================================
    label: Company
        list: $/pds/pdsuserprofile/models/pdscompany/columns.yaml
        toolbarButtons: add|remove
        showSorting: true
        form: $/pds/pdsuserprofile/models/pdscompany/fields.yaml
        showCheckboxes: true
        showSearch: true

Step 6: Next is to 'inject' the required information into the rainlab.user plugin. Not directly into the plugin code , this would not be update-save, the coding is done in the Plugin.php of the own Pdsuserprofile plugin at /pds/pdsuserprofile/Plugin.php. The following lines of code are an excerpt of the lines required. Lines with "..." are indicating code not required for this example:

<?php namespace Pds\Pdsuserprofile

use Backend;
use System\Classes\PluginBase;
use Rainlab\User\Models\User as UserModel;
use Rainlab\User\Controllers\Users as UsersController;


class Plugin extends PluginBase


    // make  sure the rainlab.user plugin is loaded already
    // otherwise this won't work
    public $require = ['RainLab.User'];

    // add this boot function which is called at startup
    public function boot()

        UsersController::extend(function($users) {
            if (!isset($users->relationConfig)) {

            // let oc know where the relation is defined
            $myConfigPath = '$/pds/pdsuserprofile/config/user_relations.yaml';

            $users->relationConfig = $users->mergeConfig($users->relationConfig, $myConfigPath);

            if (!$users->isClassExtendedWith('Backend.Behaviors.RelationController')) {

        // now the type of relation is provided to Rainlab.user
        UserModel::extend(function($model) {
            $model->belongsTo['pds_company'] = [
                    'key' => 'pds_company_id'];


        // lastly we have to inject a field into the rainlab.user form to display
        UsersController::extendFormFields(function($form, $model, $context){

           // do this only if the rainlab.user is active
            if(!$model instanceof UserModel)

            // and her are two fields to display
            // 1. the relation field to the companies
            // 2. another field as an example to store some infos

                'pds_nickname' => [
                    'label' => 'Nickname',
                    'commentAbove' => 'Is shown on the dashboard.',
                    'span' => 'left',
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'required' => true,
                    'tab' => 'Contact'
                'pds_company' => [
                    'label' => 'Company',
                    'commentAbove' => 'Employee of:',
                    'span' => 'right',
                    'type' => 'relation',
                    'required' => false,
                    'tab' => 'Contact'



Now the to new fields should be visible in the Rainlab User form within a tab named "Contact"

Last updated


Please note that the down() method in your migration file should be as below:

public function down()
    Schema::table('users', function ($table) {
        $table->dropColumn(['pds_nickname', 'pds_company_id']);

Hi mjauvin,

thanks for the revision! I re-edited the code above, just in case someone does not scroll down completely ;)

{ mjauvin said:

Please note that the down() method in your migration file should be as below:

public function down()
   Schema::table('users', function ($table) {
       $table->dropColumn(['pds_nickname', 'pds_company_id']);

Last updated

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