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Full scenario:
You have a Grade form.
The Grade form has a semester field.
In the Semester record that it relates to, that Semester has a "is grading open" boolean field.
How can you prevent grades from being edited/created in the Grade form while it is related to a Semester that has "is grading open" set to false?
Last updated
Pretty sure I got this.
First off, disable the field in the form from inside the controller's formExtendFields method.
public function formExtendFields($form)
if( isset( $form->data->attributes['semester_id']) ) {
$isGradingOpen = Semester::find($form->data->attributes['semester_id'])->is_grading_open;
// Disable grade based on Semester
if( !$this->user->hasAccess('example.plugin.edit_all_fields_grades') && !$isGradingOpen ) {
'student_grade' => [
'label' => 'Grade',
'span' => 'auto',
'type' => 'text',
'attributes' => [
'disabled' => true
Then give them a nice message telling them nah you can't do that by overriding the update_onSave method.
public function update_onSave($recordId, $context = null)
$thisForm = post('Grade');
$thisRecord = Grade::find($recordId);
// If trying to change the grade, and the new grade is not equal to the old grade
if( isset($thisForm['student_grade']) && $thisForm['student_grade'] !== $thisRecord->student_grade ) {
$isGradingOpen = $thisRecord->semester->is_grading_open;
// If this user does not have the permission to make this change currently
if( !$this->user->hasAccess('example.plugin.edit_all_fields_grades') && !$isGradingOpen ) {
// Then deny
Flash::error('You do not have permission to change the grade at this time.');
}else {
// Otherwise proceed, call the original update_onSave method
return $this->asExtension('FormController')->update_onSave($recordId, $context);
}else {
// Otherwise proceed, call the original update_onSave method
return $this->asExtension('FormController')->update_onSave($recordId, $context);
And then finally, now that all the visual stuff is set up, guarantee that the model won't update when it shouldn't. This is in the model's beforeSave method.
public function beforeSave()
* Cancel if attempting to input grade when grading isn't open
if( isset( $this->semester_id ) && isset( $this->student_grade ) ) {
$isGradingOpen = Semester::find($this->semester_id)->is_grading_open;
// Disable grade based on Semester
if( !$user->hasAccess('example.plugin.edit_all_fields_grades') && !$isGradingOpen ) {
return false;
I don't believe there's any way to get around this, but I do not know if there exists a simpler way to accomplish this.
Last updated
That's awesome, thanks.
Switched almost everything from extendFields into filterFields. Works great for changing a field to type=text, change value, and disabling it so to show a locked out RecordFinder.
One thing I ran into is that while I could change the scope parameter from within the filterFields, it would not actually apply the scope.
Last updated
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