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I want to call a function which I was create in Model, into List - Partial. So is there have anyway to call function like this? Thanks


Hi phamvuduycuong15027,

That sounds not the right way. You want to call a function to get some data? Than please call your function from controller and pass the data to your view/partial. If you want to make a POST Request a controller has to respond to this. In Controller method surly you can call a method in your model. If you dont like the page reload please check for ajax Calls.

Regards Crazymodder


Even though you shouldn't be doing that, as @Crazymodder said, since views should only contain view logic (the most should actually be if``s,for```s and stuff like that) you can call any model function in your view just as you want.

Imagine a model has a method convertToBar and that model is in the view with name foo you can do {% set bar = foo.convertToBar %} works with or without the parentheses.

But again, views should only contain view logic, every data processing and preparing should be done in our controller or model.

Last updated


@Crazymodder and @philipptempel thank you guys!


any solution for this problem.. I have the same problem, i want to call a member function in my view.. Help please

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