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(Spoiler: Coding-noob.) What I'd like to do are two things:
In the backend, I'd like to have a way of filling a custom database table. I know how to create a controller and setup a new nav-link, but I have no idea how to go on from there. A snippet or atleast an idea would be damn awesome!
In the frontend, I'd like to implement a search function for users to search for specific strings in the database table I've set up. I do know how to set up a db and how to create a search form in CSS/HTML, but that's pretty much it.
Thanks in advance you guys :)
A thing that I really like, is GitHub. Hope you know it!
- Backend - fill DB : See BackEnd relations in docs or in video.
- Frontend - see this searsh plugin, as a complement of the
plugin. Also, you can see the integration with this Pull-Request :
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