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Hi All,
Ive built a plugin for personal trainers who want to let their members access workouts/nutrition etc. I have it all setup in the backing but now need to develop the components that will display workouts etc in the members area. For example i will need to show lists with filters, have forms and even modal windows.
What framework should i use in the front end. My theme currently has bootstrap installed but wanted more widget features like the backend offers.
Unfortunately you cannot use October backend form widgets. But you may find a plugin that allows you to use backend form widgets in frontend.
Meanwhile you can just use any UI framework like Bootstrap to code your forms and you'll also code every single action manually using PHP and Laravel.
Was afraid of that, Seen a waste not to be able to utilise Octobers list/forms etc in the front end.
thanks for you response.
I'm working on a solution for your problem these days. I'm making a plugin so everyone cab use October form widgets in frontend.
It may be completed within a week.
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