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I need to install a second CMS to /forum
path. I uploaded the script, but when i go to the
October CMS probably
overrides this link and i get:
PAGE NOT FOUND. The requested page cannot be found.
How i can make normal route? Thanks.
Last updated
This is likely caused by the .htaccess file, you will need to add an exception in here for your forum/
I found info about excluding URL From CSRF protection, but cant found
It seems that this is not what I
Last updated
I'm found new info, but it doesnt work, probably coz i'm use nginx
This is more of a general web development question. I suggest asking Stack Overflow for an answer, supply the web server configuration you are using.
daftspunk said:
This is more of a general web development question. I suggest asking Stack Overflow for an answer, supply the web server configuration you are using.
Or you could just answer the question? Edit your .htaccess to include the below, replace the FOLDER_NAME with the new sub directory you want OctoberCMS to ignore.
RewriteRule ^(FOLDER_NAME)($|/) - [L]
Last updated
Or you could just answer the question?
I don't use nginx
Edit your .htaccess
They are using nginx, not apache
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