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I have 2 belongsTo relationships for a model in a form. merchant and store. store belongsTo merchant as well.

        label: Merchant
        type: relation
        nameFrom: name
        span: left

        label: Store
        type: dropdown
        dependsOn: merchant
        span: left

When merchant changes, I want the store dropdown to be populated with the stores belonging to merchant. Here's my PHP:

    public function getStoreOptions()
         return Store::whereMerchantId($this->merchant_id)->lists('name', 'id');

When I first open the form it seems to load fine. When I change merchant I'm getting a 500 error. A POST request goes to the update route and I get a mass assignment error as if it's trying to save the model. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Backend\Widgets\Form::setFormValues has a $this->model->fill($data); for some reason. I had to comment that out.


Try digging thro’ the code of location plugin. It does something like what you asked for i.e. when you change the country the dropdown changes the list of states belonging to the selected country.

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