
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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rick.harrison [gatenbysanderson]
rick.harrison [gatenbysanderson]


Our project uses 'FETCH_ASSOC' as the 'fetch' mode set in config/database.php.

It seems ProBlog has a problem with this as it assumes it will always be returning an object.

I am aware that you can specify the fetch mode by specifying DB::setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); before each database call (it would need to be set back to config('database.fetch') after of course.

Is there anyway around this?


Last updated


I am honestly the wrong person to ask this. I am not at all a DB guy. If you happen to dig up any resolve that can help the greater good though, please report back with suggestions.

rick.harrison [gatenbysanderson]
rick.harrison [gatenbysanderson]

ChadStrat said:

I am honestly the wrong person to ask this. I am not at all a DB guy. If you happen to dig up any resolve that can help the greater good though, please report back with suggestions.

Hi Chad,

Thanks for replying. We have been using this plugin and it has saved out company a large amount of time. It's very well designed, so kudos to the team!

We have had a look at the source code and tried experimenting with solutions. We have managed to get it to work as described vaguely in my first post. I'd be more than happy to share the code changes with the team (is there an email or some form other form of contact?).

Regards, Rick.

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