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In document says that:
Note: Basic Twig tags and expressions are supported in mail views.
I think right now is not enough when you try parsing multiple data with basic twig tags only.
as happened to me, i want to send email from checkout with many list of products with quantity and price (dynamic data). I am confused how to send it.
I try to add all data in 1 tag using html code, unfortunately twig tags in mail views cannot apply the escape filter. example: {{ data|e('html') }}
I think it would be an interesting feature when twig tags same as the content.
Or maybe someone has an idea for adding complex/looping data for mail views?
Last updated
I am also interested if there is a way to make Twig act like in CMS, ie.: object property access with dots (doesn't work), loops and raw filters.
Finally, I found the solution. It's quite simple, actually
Edit file fields.yaml in modules\system\models\mailtemplate\
type: richeditor
size: huge
tab: system::lang.mail_templates.content_html
type: codeeditor
size: huge
tab: system::lang.mail_templates.content_html
language: html
Now you can add twig syntax like {%for row in data %} , etc.
Last updated
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