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I have this component class:
class Payment extends ComponentBase
protected $amountToReload;
public function componentDetails()
return [
'name' => 'Payment',
'description' => 'Allow users to recharge their balance for international calls through Alomicuba'
public function onAmountChange()
$amount = post('amount');
if (empty($amount)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Por favor introduzca un valor.'));
$this->amountToReload = round($amount - ($amount * (float) Settings::get('ppal_fee') - (float) Settings::get('ppal_discount')), 2);
Session::put('amountToReload', $this->amountToReload);
return ['#amountToReload' => $this->amountToReload];
public function stepTwo() {
echo "I am on step2 function";
public function stepThree()
echo "I am on step3 function";
I access that component trough this URL
now I'm asking if it's possible to execute stepTwo
by passing a parameter trough URL for example
? How?
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