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I'm trying to display exif meta data for pictures that are outputed with for loop inside markup section.

I managed to display exif meta data of single picture

This code section for single picture:

function onEnd()
    $image_file = 'storage/app/media/2020/image01.jpg';
    $exif = exif_read_data($image_file, 0, true);
    $this['filename'] = $exif['IFD0']['Model'];

Markup for single picture

Filename: {{filename}}

This code section for multiple pictures:

use Cms\Classes\Theme;

  function onEnd () {  //must use onEnd as at this moment all components are initialized properly 
    // accessing component from $this->components with alias name and get its details
    $frontId = $this->components['builderDetails']->record->id;

    // now slots variable are available in Markup section    
    $this["galerijaLink"] =  Db::table('foto_')->where('id', $frontId)->value('gallery_folder');
    $galerijaLink = Db::table('foto_')->where('id', $frontId)->value('gallery_folder');

    $items = [ ];

    $files = File::allFiles( 'storage/app/media/' .$galerijaLink. '/' );

      foreach ($files as $item) {
           $items[] = $item->getFilename(); 
           $this['slike'] =  $items;

    $image_file = $item;
    $exif = exif_read_data($image_file, 0, true);
    $this["filename"] = $exif["FILE"]["FileName"];     

     sort($items, SORT_NUMERIC); // Bigest file number first
       $this['gallery'] = $items;

Markup for multiple pictures

{% set record = builderDetails.record %}
{% set displayColumn = builderDetails.displayColumn %}
{% set notFoundMessage = builderDetails.notFoundMessage %}

{% if record %}

     {% for image in gallery %}

         {% set path = '/storage/app/media' %}
         {% set gallerySlug = record.gallery_folder %}
         {% set tilda = '/' %}
         {% set combinedLink = path ~ gallerySlug ~ tilda ~ image %}

         <div class="grid-item">
            <a href="{{combinedLink}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{combinedLink | resize(1000)}}" alt="{{filename}}" /></a>

     {% endfor %}

{% endif %}

My problem is that I get the same filename inside alt atribute on every picture. For example its alt="image03.jpg" on every single iterated picture. Is there any possible solution for this for loop output or could this for loop output be done inside code section?


Here's a test CMS page to demonstrate how that should be done:

title = Example
url = exif

function onEnd() 
    $items = [];
    foreach (File::allFiles( 'storage/app/media/') as $item) {
        $items[] = [
            'file' => $item,
            'exif' => @exif_read_data($item, 0, true),
    $this['gallery'] = $items;
{% for image in gallery %}
    <li>{{ image.exif.FILE.FileName|default('No Exif Data') }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Hope that helps!


Works perfectly, thank you!


You can check now working example here: Gallery example

Enabled only inside sport category when you hover over image.

Last updated


I do see the focal opening... nice!

1-5 of 5

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