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Is it possible to delete private plugins and themes from your account, I'm trying out the new composer plugin/theme features to install private repositories. However it doesn't seem possible to install from a local source if you have private plugins and themes using the same name.

Example: If I have a private plugin using the code Acme.Blog then I can't install a plugin of the same name from local:

php artisan plugin:install Acme.Blog --from=../private-plugins/acme-blog

It always installs the private plugin from my October account.


Hi Damian!

This is interesting, it must be that composer is finding a "better version" from the October gateway. We can certainly delete private plugins for you, just send us an email to with the ones you want removed.



Hey again, there is another way to resolve this by opening the composer.json file and looking at the repositories key. Composer will add repositories from old to new, but it will give priority to the older definitions.

So if you move this "octobercms" entry to the very end, it will give your private plugins more priority.

    "repositories": {
        "octobercms": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

Hope this helps

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