
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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I'm creating a custom blog layout/page instead of the standard component markup.

When clicking on a post, I can only get it to render the partial (the customized blogList component). Is there a way to render the blog/post page?

{% if render_post %}
        {% partial 'blogPost' %}
    {% else %}

Also, I continue to have an issue with the post url always using 'default' instead of the category. example: instead of

Last updated


I would like to do this same thing. I can't figure out what markup to put inside of the blog post page to make it work. I edited the post/default.htm file but that got rolled back whenever the plugin got updated. I might have to just edit the markup and remember to save a copy whenever an update comes through. Done anyone have a better idea?

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