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I have Campaign Model, when you fill the backend form I need to create a Backend user but I get error "Call to a member function hasRelation() on null" on line 70". It makes sense as the Backend user is not yet created and there is no relationship but I do not know how to circumvent that:

One on one relation:

Campaign Class:

public $belongsTo = [
    'affiliate_user' => ['Backend\Models\User']


Backend user class extended:

$model->hasOne['affiliate'] = ['AristaMedia\AffiliateCampaigns\Models\Campaign',  'key' => 'affiliate_user_id' ]; 

In Campaign fields.yaml I have 3 fields related to the Backend user:

        label: 'First Name'
        span: auto
        type: text
        comment: 'Unique Username used to log into backend'
        tab: 'Contact Information'
        label: 'Last Name'
        span: auto
        type: text
        tab: 'Contact Information'
        label: 'Login Email'
        span: auto
        type: text
        comment: 'Unique User email to log into backend'
        tab: 'Contact Information'

And on Campaign Class I create the new user:

public function afterCreate()
    $randpass = \Str::random(6);
    $user = \BackendAuth::register([
        'first_name' => $this->first_name,
        'last_name' => $this->last_name,
        'email' => $this->contact_email,
        'login' => $this->contact_email,
        'password' => $randpass,
        'password_confirmation' => $randpass,
    $affiliateRole = \Backend\Models\UserRole::where('code','affiliates')->first();
    $user->role = $affiliateRole;
    $this->affiliate_user_id = $user->id;

Any help will be greatly appreciated ... I´m a bit stuck and I can´t see how to solve this.

Last updated


I found the solution, I need to intitialise the backend user model to be able to use the proxy fields like affiliate_user[email].

To do that you need to extend the model by adding this function in the Campaign controller:

public function formExtendModel($model){    
     * Init proxy field model if we are creating the model
    if ($this->formGetContext() === 'create' && !$model->affiliate_user ) {
        $model->affiliate_user = new \Backend\Models\User;
    return $model;

One very silly mstake I made was adding the funtion to the model :-(

This post helped me:

Last updated


Thanks for sharing your solution

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