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Kirk Clemons
Kirk Clemons


I love the concept here and the demo video makes this look like it's going to be just what the programmer ordered.

I love the flexibility this promises to the developer for creating a creative and powerful site or app without the restrictions of conventional CMS systems. My question is, is there going to be a client side interface?

In other words is it possible for me to build a site in October and then let my client log in and access page content through a WYSIWYG editor?

Thank you.


Yes. I'm busy with a WYSIWYG editor plugin. Also with inline editing :)


Having the Markdown tab split vertically like in the Blog Plugin would already be enough for most of the users I guess. At least I like this idea. ;)

Kirk Clemons
Kirk Clemons

@Shahiem Excellent! Sounds awesome! Inline editing may be even better can't wait to see it in action.

Thank you!


Hi all, there is already a plugin for front end inline editing of content here


If you ask me, Markdown is awesome and all you need.

Maybe having something a little more feature-rich, compared to the Markdown-like syntax in DokuWiki would be nice though ... especially in regards to Tables. ^^ Well, what so ever, Markdown is ok so far.

For the non technical user October CMS maybe isn't even the optimal choice anyway?!


I don’t understand why there is no Markdown editor for backend editing, except in the blog module. Because, clients don’t even remember the easy Markdown syntax, they need a menu with ten buttons or so.

On October’s feature list, there is the following information: Non-technical users can manage page contents with the WYSIWYG editor […]
But I can’t find that editor! The plugin WYSIWYG Editors adds an editor to pages or content, but it offers no Markdown syntax, only HTML.

Like deadcrowwalking, I also think that October is great for developers and webdesigners, but it might not be intuitive enough for end users.

Last updated


Like deadcrowwalking, I also think that October is great for developers and webdesigners, but it might not be intuitive enough for end users

I disagree. There are many reasons to use October is for client sites. With a few client friendly plugins, you can give them the power to write blog posts, create pages on the fly and monitor analytics from the backend.

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