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Hello. I have a strage issue here:

I just uppload my project that perfectly works in my local PC to my hosting. Changed config to set DB check my frontpage and... i got this error: Class 'Mba\Mbagalleries\Models\Promogallery' not found

I can login into backend, i can do anythig with this component there - i see it's plugin in plugins list etc. But frontend simply 'no go'.

Well -situation is online at if you need to see by yourself.

I did 'php artisan cache:clear' before uppload.

What to do?

Last updated


Based on the error it looks like October can't find the "Mbagalleries" plugin. Could be a case sensitivity issue, check to make sure the folder don't have any uppercase letters.


Yes - i did notice that :) Well - problem solved by re-creating the whole plugin with builder. Still don;t know what was wrong - they seems pretty same to me. But... eh. I'll live with it.

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