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Hi Gergo,

I would like to ask you for support in this matter. My url slug to 1 of the category pages is correct, however is showing all the blog posts from any category instead of the only category when clicked on the link. What am I doing wrong? Beneath is how my category detail page looks like with simple markup.

title = "Blog categorie"
url = "/blog/categorie/:slug?/:page?"
is_hidden = 0

pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
postsPerPage = 10
noPostsMessage = "No posts found"
sortOrder = "published_at desc"
postFeatured = 0
categoryFilter = ":page"
postPage = 404
categoryPage = 404
{% component 'newsPosts' %}

You can use '{{ :slug }}' to grab the categorie from the URL

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