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Can Builder import data from other tables?
I'm using a contact plugin (not my code) which stores contact 'emails' in the database. I now need to craft a plugin that pulls the contact data into it's own table for further manipulation. Can this be done in Builder?
I suspect not, in which case could someone point me in the right direction as to how to do it manually?
Thank you.
I think what I'm talking about is creating a Model Relationship...
Last updated
from what i have read so far, you can modify the code directly for custom relations. but builder plugin has it's own way of handling relations here is a video on how to use the builder.
and here is the doc OctoberCMS Relations hope it helps
Last updated
Thank you, @pouria, especially for the video link.
I decided to create a new contact page and make it part of the plugin. That way just one table :)
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