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After installing several plugins via the backend i recived an error and now nothing really works. at all.
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::forceSave() C:\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\data\localweb\familylegion\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder.php line 2114
return $this->dynamicWhere($method, $parameters);
$className = get_class($this);
throw new \BadMethodCallException("Call to undefined method {$className}::{$method}()");
My guess is that and plugin broke during installation? anyway to solve this problem?
I encountered this issue when I installed October on my VPS this morning and cannot access /backend.
I tried to run
php composer.phar update -d html
and I still am not able to access the backend. Is this the proper way to get the latest build?
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