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Hi, I made a plugin with builder, and set one column of the model to be controlled by Page Builder, which is really just the grapejs wysiwyg editor. It works great and I can do lots of cool stuff. When I save it to the database, my content and html tags are correctly stored there. But when I retrieve that field, twig strips out lots of html tags and then escapes it, so I get non-working html as if it was in <pre> tags. I tried lots of filters and this was a nice one:

{% autoescape %} {{ record.item|raw }} {% endautoescape %}

That solved the escaping, but I still get tags stripped out. The Page Builder and the Rich Text widgets are useless to me. Anyone know how to stop twig from tag stripping, so I can use a fancy editor?

Sam Georges
Sam Georges


I'm not sure I fully grasp the issue. However, October CMS has a Bracket Parser which could be useful for basic variables inside the rich editor. This parser is used to avoid conflicts with the Twig engine. It might be useful.

More information can be found in the docs:

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