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After installing the RainLab.Translate plugin medialibrary with maxItems:0 field in static pages plugin stop working, the data has been saved differently:
Before update:
sections[5][documents][0][files][] = "/URSO/Bratislava.pdf"
sections[5][documents][0][files][] = "/URSO/Zilina.pdf"
sections[5][documents][0][files][] = "/URSO/Martin.pdf"
sections[5][documents][0][files][] = "/URSO/Zvolen.pdf"
sections[5][documents][0][files][] = "/URSO/Kosice.pdf"
After update:
sections[5][documents][0][files] = "["/URSO/Bratislava.pdf", "/URSO/Zilina.pdf", "/URSO/Martin.pdf","/URSO/Zvolen.pdf","/URSO/Kosice.pdf"]"
So now It is cast as string, not as array so the twig for loop doesnt work anymore, also when I refresh page medialibrary is empty.
Please help ;)
Last updated
Hi Zaq,
It seems to be working fine here.
imagesmulti[] = "/mr-robot.gif"
imagesmulti[] = "/company-founder.png"
imagessingle = "/about-team.png"
Some things to try:
- Using latest version of all plugins
- Email support:
Make sure you include all information about your system including the layout content and if you have the RainLab.Translate plugin installed and how many languages you have configured (these are all factors that change the outcome).
Best regards
Thanks for your reply.
Maybe this information could solve the problem:
Page layout file:
description = "Šablóna pre stránky"
useContent = 1
default = 0
function onEnd()
$this['path_css'] = mix('dist/app.css', 'themes/mai/assets');
$this['path_js'] = mix('dist/app.js', 'themes/mai/assets');
$this['path_manifest_js'] = mix('dist/manifest.js', 'themes/mai/assets');
$this['path_vendor_js'] = mix('dist/vendor.js', 'themes/mai/assets');
{variable name="image" label="OG Image obrázok" tab="cms::lang.editor.meta" placement="primary" type="mediafinder" mode="image"}{/variable}
{variable name="sections" type="repeater" prompt="Pridať sekciu" tab="Sekcie" placement="secondary" groups="$/zea/gjk/config/repeater.yaml"}{/variable}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% partial 'common/head' %}
<body class="{{ }}">
<!-- Header -->
{% partial 'common/header' %}
<!-- Content -->
{% for section in sections %}
{% partial 'sections/'~section._group data=section %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Footer -->
{% partial 'common/footer' %}
<!-- Scripts -->
<script src="{{ path_manifest_js }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path_vendor_js }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path_js }}"></script>
{% scripts %}
Problematic field in repeater.yaml:
name: Sekcia s dokumentmi
description: Sekcia s dokumentmi
icon: icon-file-o
label: Nadpis
type: text
span: left
span: right
label: Details
type: richeditor
label: Dokumenty
prompt: 'Pridať dokument'
style: default
span: full
type: repeater
label: Názov
span: left
type: text
label: Popis
span: right
type: richeditor
label: Dokumenty
span: full
mode: file
maxItems: 0
type: mediafinder
I am using the RainLab.Translate plugin, but its not configured yet -> only english language is set up with no translations.
When I disable the RainLab.Translate plugin its working back -> so the problem was not upgrade, the problem was instaling the RainLab.Translate plugin.
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