
A plugin for discussing published content. Features email reply notifications and a reload free posting experience.

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Hello, I'm using the plugin for making comments in a Blog, I'm glad to see that it offers exactly what I need in a simple, and efficient way, it's really good job. However I still need to get used to it, because I dont manage to make the comments for each blog post independent. I mean that currently in my blog, all the blog posts have the same comments, when , obviously, each post should have their own comments. Could you give me a hint or something that could help me?. Thank you



We're sorry you are experiencing some trouble setting up our plugin. If you want it to work with RainLab.Blog you first need to set up the external relations in Comments Settings menu. ( Settings -> Comments). Here you need to enter the following data:

Pluginname: RainLab.Blog
Modelname: Rainlab\Blog\Models\Post

Next, in the Component Settings on your blogPost page, you'll need to set up the external relation. In the last section of the component settings you will find two fields: External Relation and Relation Parameter (also described in the docs

If you've done step 1 correctly the dropdown will have an entry for the RainLab.Blog plugin. Select that one. In the second field you need to enter the parameter name (slug most likely). That should set up the component to work for independent blog posts.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you need any further assistance.


Yes ! I followed your instructions and now it works perfectly, thank you very much !


Yes, it's fine but into the admin section, I cant rectify Which comment is for witch post?

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