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I have created a job posting model, but implementing the validation trait has proven to be quite the challenge.

Following documentation:

class Job extends Model
    use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;

     * @var array Validation rules
    public $rules = [
         'title' => 'required'

     public $customMessages = [
         'required' => ':attribute is required.',

When adding title to the rules I am not able to save a record anymore. All I get is an alert saying "error".

When trying to create a new record I still get the same error alert but with a console message saying "Missing required fields", even though the title field was filled out before I tried to save.

I saw in another forum post that the fix was to add, but I saw no difference.

public function formBeforeSave($model)

I was able to add my own validation by adding to the models beforeValidate method, but I was wondering how I could correct this behaviour.

public function beforeValidate()
        if (!$this->title)
            throw new ValidationException([
               'title' => 'Posting title is required!'

Are you sure the title field is actually present? What's your fields.yaml?


Edit Other settings: CMS - 1.0.464 | PHP - 7.2.22

I made sure the title field was present in the yaml file, and also tried using

public $rules = [
         'Job[title]' => 'required'

Here is the beginning of my fields.yaml

            label: 'Position Title:'
            span: auto
            required: 1
            type: text
            tab: 'General Information'
            label: 'Posting Close Date:'
            mode: date
            span: auto
            default: now
            required: 1
            type: datepicker
            tab: 'General Information'

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