I need to customize the look of autocomplete results on search input component but i don't know how. I found the searchinput component with all the .htm files so the code is:
{% if results.count %}
{% for result in results | slice(0, __SELF__.autoCompleteResultCount) %}
{# Display results #}
<div class="ss-autocomplete-result">
<div class="ss-autocomplete-result__aside">
<a href="{{ result.url }}">
<img class="ss-autocomplete-result__image" src="{{ result.thumb.getThumb(120, auto) }}" alt=""/>
<h4 class="ss-autocomplete-result__title">
<a href="{{ result.url }}">{{ result.title | raw }}</a>
{% if __SELF__.showProviderBadge %}
<span class="ss-autocomplete-result__badge">
{{ result.provider }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if __SELF__.searchPage %}
<p class="ss-show-all-results">
<a href="{{ __SELF__.searchPage | page }}?q={{ query | url_encode(true) }}">
Show all results »
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# No results found #}
<p>Your search for {{ query }} returned no results.</p>
{% endif %}
but how can i override it?
See https://octobercms.com/docs/cms/components#overriding-partials
You can copy the partials you want to override to themes/yourtheme/searchinput/
and make your changes.
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