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Hello guys, we are developing a web app using October (thank you!), but right now we have an issue that came from "nowhere":

AJAX handler 'onHandleForm'was no found.

We are developing a private plugin for our web app, in the process to "save form data", everything was fine, until today, this is the code composition: Markup on page with form:

´form data-request="onHandleForm" data-request-update="message:'#message'" id="form" class="form-horizontal"´ 

We call a few parse via fields selection, etc.,

PHP function:

´function onHandleForm(){ ..saving object to DB, et. }´ 

How we can fix this?, there is not more details about this error, just a javascript alert with the error message.


This is happening on FrontEnd, in the page/layout there is the AJAX framework, the handler is in the PHP section of the page.

Thank you!

Last updated


Well, you should provide more information.

Backend or frontend AJAX? If frontend, make sure that you have included the AJAX framework on your page/layout. Where do you have the handler? In the PHP section of a page or in a component?


Sorry @Goedda, i edited it!


I assume that you have the form in a partial? If I am not mistaken, there seems to be a problem when using forms and frontend AJAX (reading other posts in the forum).

If the form is in a partial, would you mind and temporarily move it to a layout or page, respectively?

EDIT: Could you also post the complete page, please? So that I can see what you are trying to achieve.

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No, the form is in a layout page, sure there is a few partials inside the form to bring fields based on previous field selection... i dont know if those partial are afecting.

Last updated


This thing now is working... i just removed and paste again a line... i dont know, maybe a cache thing...

Thank you!


Cache and October has killed me several times.

Last updated

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