TOP Builder

TOP Builder

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The isotope filter is not loaded on first page load, after selecting one of the other services it works. How can I make sure with the current code that it is working on page load? This is the code from theme.js

function portfolio_isotope(){
    if ( $('.portfolio_item, .portfolio_2 .portfolio_filter ul li').length ){
        // Activate isotope in container
        $(".portfolio_item").imagesLoaded( function() {
                itemSelector: ".single_facilities",
                layoutMode: 'masonry',
                masonry: {
                    columnWidth: ".grid-sizer, .grid-sizer-2"  

        // Activate isotope in container
        $(".portfolio_2").imagesLoaded( function() {
                itemSelector: ".single_facilities",
                layoutMode: 'fitRows',
        // Add isotope click function
        $(".portfolio_filter ul li").on('click',function(){
            $(".portfolio_filter ul li").removeClass("active");

            var selector = $(this).attr("data-filter");
            $(".portfolio_item, .portfolio_2").isotope({
                filter: selector,
                animationOptions: {
                    duration: 450,
                    easing: "linear",
                    queue: false,
            return false;

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