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On fresh install I get the error "The Mix manifest does not exist" in ~/themes/definer-ui3kitmix/layouts/default.htm line 574


Hello, I have the same issue : Exception: The Mix manifest does not exist. in ../web/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php:575 It seems we need to run some npm command somewhere, but I'm using the backend install and I don't know how to do that. Help would be appreciated :)

Last updated


npm may be a bit difficult, because I do not have it on my server (Plesk environment). Therefor I have to install the Plesk NodeJS package. That is not as easy, as it sounds. In Plesk it is useless. You find node 8, 10, 12 in /opt/plesk/node and you can use it there, or place a link to a place in the path...

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