Build 451

Changelog Note 451

Core bug fix in POST and GET value handling.

UX/UI Improvements

  • Added support for previewMode to the markdown FormWidget

API Changes

  • Added new configuration option database.useConfigForTesting to change the default behaviour of using the in-memory Sqlite DB driver for running automated tests to using whatever connection is defined by your configuration.
  • Added defaultFormatOptions to the ImportExportBehavior to override the default format options to be used when exporting

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed support for migration files in subdirectories
  • Fixed colorpicker FormWidgets being unable to be manually updated while inside of a popup modal
  • Fixed issue with getting request input from get() and post() that were introduced in Build 450.
  • Fixed issue where grouped repeaters stopped working in Build 449

Translation Improvements

  • Improved Russian translation
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