Product support

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  • Added on Feb 25, 2021
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


The plugin allows site users to like and dislike any model, including blog posts, users, articles, or any other model. Just enter the path to your model namespace and provide the object ID.


This plugin requires the Ajax Framework to be included in your layout / page in order to handle requests, and the RainLab.Users plugin must be installed and properly configured.

Rate a specific object

To configure the plugin for a specific record in the database, just connect the component and specify the model namespace and record ID. For example, the first user of the plugin RainLab.User

likeable_type = "October\Rain\Auth\Models\User"
likeable_id = 1

Rate a specific object from url

Let's say you have a page "/users/:id". To configure the plugin in such a way as to rate the user this page belongs to, you need to set the likeable_id so that it corresponds to the id variable

likeable_type = "October\Rain\Auth\Models\User"
likeable_id = "{{ :id }}"

Likes in list

Alternatively, you can pass the object ID directly to the component. This is useful, for example, when listing objects. Let's say you are listing posts. In this case, just connect the component, specify the model, and pass the ID when listing.

likeable_type = "October\Rain\Auth\Models\User"
likeable_id = "1"
{% for user in users %}
 {% component 'LikeButton' likeable_id=user.id %}
{% endfor %}

Created table xl1034_likes_index

Feb 25, 2021


Initialize plugin.

Feb 25, 2021