Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Feb 20, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Simple rating plugin that provides the possibility to rate pages with stars or similar items.


  • Fivestar
  • Number up / down
  • Statistics

Coming Soon

  • Thumbs up
  • Thumbs up / down
  • Yes / no


  • 1.0.0 First version of Rate
  • 1.0.1 Fix error "Trying to get property of non-object"


To install this plugin you have to click on add to project. After you should logout and back into october backend.

How to use

Drop component on layout template and set ID. Chose Type of rate (stars or numbers). You can also select status of component (opened or closed).

Component Templates

In default.htm you can find:

  • {{ rate_type }} - Rate Type (percent or points).
  • {{ score }} - Total Score.
  • {{ total }} - Total Votes.
  • {{ user_vote }} - Display "You voted".
  • {{ status }} - Opened (1) or Closed (0).
  • Star script - All options your can find here
  • Some Ajax: data-request - onVote, data-request-data - id and value


Here you can find statistics.


You can use this plugin with Rainlab.Blog. Just set ":slug" to ID field (see screenshot).

  • Found the plugin not useful on 29 Nov, 2018

    Bad! Anonymous users always override the rating because uid in Database is always 0. :-(

  • Found the plugin useful on 25 Feb, 2018

    You need to include script on to head section. From plugins/xeor/rate/assets/stars/jquery.raty.js


Fixes bug

Mar 03, 2017


Fix error "Trying to get property of non-object"

Jan 11, 2016


First version of Rate

Feb 20, 2015