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Plugin component displays share buttons

Social Networks and Messengers:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • VK
  • Odnoklassniki
  • LinkedIn
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • WhatsApp


  • easy setup
  • SVG icons are used for buttons, so there are no dependencies on icon fonts
  • no external links
  • there is no interaction with database
  • optimized javascript file less than 1 Kb
  • without jQuery

Button Style

Silver Silver

Color Silver

With text Silver

Simple settings are available in the component settings.

Selecting and Sorting Buttons

Specify the id of the buttons that you want to display, separated by commas (fb, tw, vk, ok, in, tg, vb, wa)


In this case, you can specify the order in which the buttons will be displayed.

You can do a similar layout:

<div>Share: {% component 'ShareButtons' %}</div>


<div class="container">
    <div>{% component 'ShareButtons' %}</div>

Button Style





With text

With text

Simple settings are available in the component settings.

Custom CSS

Create file share-custom.css and place it in folder plugins/webvpf/share/assets/css/. In component settings, select Custom item for Button Style.

Disable css

You can completely disable predefined css in component settings. Styles can be placed in css themes or wherever convenient for you.

Paste buttons

If you work with code, you can insert buttons as follows:

btns = "fb, tw, vk, ok, in, tg, vb, wa"
css = 1
skin = "text"
{% component 'ShareButtons' %}


  • fb - Facebook
  • in - LinkedIn
  • ok - Odnoklassniki
  • tg - Telegram
  • tw - Twitter
  • vb - Viber
  • vk - VK
  • wa - WhatsApp


  • 1 - enable
  • 0 - disable


  • silver
  • color
  • text
  • custom

Disable CSS in code

set 0 for css:

btns = "fb, tw, in, tg, vb, wa"
css = 0
{% component 'ShareButtons' %}

Delete file UPGRADE.md

Apr 03, 2021


Improving component code

Mar 30, 2021


!!! Component settings have changed. Indicate in the properties of the ID buttons that you want to display. You can set the order of the buttons.

Mar 30, 2021


Removed xmlns attributes from svg icons

Mar 29, 2021


Added charset in CSS file for style with text

Jul 12, 2020


By default all buttons are disabled. Code Improvement

Feb 25, 2020


First version of Share

Feb 24, 2020

Update 1.1.1

The settings for the component that displays the Share buttons have changed.

Immediately after the upgrade, do the following:

  • In the component settings for the Buttons item, specify the IDs of the buttons that you want to display, separated by commas:


However, you can set the order of the buttons. The order in which the button identifiers are listed, in that order they will be displayed.

Example: fb, tw, vk, ok, in, tg, vb, wa

  • fb - Facebook
  • in - LinkedIn
  • ok - Odnoklassniki
  • tg - Telegram
  • tw - Twitter
  • vb - Viber
  • vk - VK
  • wa - WhatsApp

Обновление 1.1.1

Изменились настройки у компонента который выводит кнопки Поделиться.

Сразу после обновления сделайте следующее:

  • В настройках компонента для пункта Кнопки укажите через запятую ID тех кнопок которые вы хотите отобразить.

При этом вы можете задать порядок кнопок. В каком порядке будут указаны идентификаторы кнопок, в таком порядке они будут отображаться.

Пример: fb, tw, vk, ok, in, tg, vb, wa