Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Apr 4, 2018
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


When sharing your WIP with your client, you want only your client to be able to view your work.

This Plugin does exactly that!

Protect your new OctoberCMS project from perky eyes before launch date.

When sharing your WIP with your client, you want only your client to be able to view your work. You could offcourse put you OctoberCMS in Maintenance mode and create a user account for you client; And email him or her the credentials and userguide.

A little bit cumbersome, isn't it?

What if you could just email your client the link and a 6-digit code? This Plugin does exactly that!

In the backend of OctoberCMS you can easily enable the plugin, enter a code and hit save. From now on the whole frontend is hidden behind the security :key: code!


This plugin is not meant as a proper authentication system. Don't use it as such.

No seriously don't!

If you discover any security-related issues, please email support@vannut.nl instead of using the issue tracker.


Minor (UI) updates

Aug 17, 2018


Initial commit

Apr 04, 2018