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  • Added on Apr 19, 2017
  • Current version: 1.0.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


These formtools can be useful for expanding your backend forms with the
functionality they provide. Just drop this repository in your plugins directory
or install it via the backend plugin manager in your OctoberCMS installation.

If you wish to run the PhpUnit tests to verify if everything works after working
on a pull request, make sure you run it on a version of October that has the
./tests directory(a composer install or a git clone).

To run the PHPUnit tests browse to this directory and execute ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit

Current features of this OctoberCMS plugin:

  • Colorpicker
    A simple color picker that allows the selection of an RGBA color and that is
    stored in text format: rgba(164, 194, 244, 0.43)
    type: tsch_color_picker

  • Filtered Checkbox List
    Just like the original checkboxlist and the code is also based Octobers checkboxlist element.
    It only adds a search functionality through the options and a way to hide unselected items or selected items.
    type: tsch_filtered_checkboxlist

An example of how the color picker looks when used in a backend form.

The Form Tools widgets can be used in the following ways:

Color Picker

The default October picker providers a hexadecimal color code. For many purposes that is enough, but when you need RGBA values, this color picker comes to the rescue.

In a form configuration you can implement it in the following way:

      type: tsch_color_picker
      label: Select background color

There are no other than the default form widget configuration options available for the color picker.

Return value
The values will be returned as a string to the model. Make sure you have a string field of sufficient length to store a string like rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.62)

Filtered checkbox list

Basically the same as the default octobercms checkbox list.
Provide a function to get the options as described in the documentation.


type: tsch_filtered_checkboxlist

public function getFoodToppingsOptions() 
    return [
        'c' => 'author.plugin::lang.toppings.cheese',
        'p' => 'peperoni',
        'd' => 'Dolphins',

type: tsch_filtered_checkboxlist
        c: author.plugin::lang.toppings.cheese
        p: peperoni
        d: Dolphins

You can use language file keys for translateable field option descriptions.

There are no other than the default form widget configuration options available for the color picker.

Return value
It returns an array of the selected items.

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Jan, 2021

    1. Open your database
    2. find tschallacka_formtools_form_tools_demos table
    3. edit color column
    4. change length of the column OR change type from "varchar" to "text" and delete length

  • Found the plugin not useful on 15 Nov, 2020


    unfortunately I get an error text while installing:

    Update failed

    "SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'color' at row 1 (SQL: insert into tschallacka_formtools_form_tools_demos (id, created_at, updated_at, name, options, color) values (1, 2019-01-01 12:00:00, 2019-01-01 12:00:00, test, [1,2,3], rgba(119, 54, 54, 0.41)))" on line 664 of /home/ovillani-admin/webs/tomUser/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

    Any ideas?


Updated color code so it can accept rgba codes

Jan 17, 2021


Adding filtered checkbox list and demo page for the form elements. see /backend/tschallacka/formtools/formtoolsdemo

Mar 26, 2019


First version of FormTools

Apr 19, 2017

Nothing to do, just add the plugin to your project and the form widgets should be available to you to use in form configurations.

As of version 1.0.2 there is now a demo controller with a demo model that display several implementations of the form widgets.

To visit the demo browse to /backend/tschallacka/formtools/formtoolsdemo on your server.