Product support

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  • Added on Aug 14, 2018
  • Current version: 1.0.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


This plugin has two components:


Use this to display a list of events base on the type property. Type property can have two values: 'upcoming' and 'past'.

Upcoming: All event that occur today or further into the future

title = "Events Upcoming"
url = "/events/upcoming/:page"
layout = "layout"
is_hidden = 0

type = "upcoming"
eventPage = "event-single"

{% for event in eventList.events %}
   <p>{{ event.venue }}</p>
{% endfor %}

Past: All event yesterday and further into the past


Used to display a single event with detailed information. Here is an example of how to use as a dynamic page.

title = "Event View"
url = "/events/:id/view"
layout = "layout"
is_hidden = 0

id = "{{:id}}"

{{ eventSingle.event.venue }}
  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Apr, 2020

    Hi there, does it work with translations?

  • author

    Replied on 6 Apr, 2020

    Unfortunately I didn't take the time to make it work with translatable yet. You are more than welcome to implement it in a pull request if you would like to.

  • Found the plugin useful on 23 Aug, 2019

    It's a great plugin, just wish there was more documentation for the plugin. I had to dig deep under the hood to get some custom work done but it essentially filled most of the gaps I was looking for

  • author

    Replied on 23 Aug, 2019

    What were you looking for exactly? I'll try to add to the documentation so people won't have to look as deep as you had to next time. You can contact me at mathieu.tanguay@taema.ca


Display tickets url and facebook url only if not empty

Sep 02, 2018


Created table taema_bandtourevents_events

Aug 12, 2018


Initialize plugin.

Aug 12, 2018